The Sales Achiever
3 Days
Learning Objectives
Increase productivity and achieve sales target through improving customers’ relations and understanding customers’ needs.
Improve selling skills and create selling opportunities.
Understand the buying motives of the potential customers.
Interpret customer’s responses and build on them to close the deal.
Identify your customers’ needs and buying criteria, even when they don’t want to tell you.
Master prospecting and sales preparation.

3 Days
Learning Objectives
Increase productivity and achieve sales target through improving customers’ relations and understanding customers’ needs.
Improve selling skills and create selling opportunities.
Understand the buying motives of the potential customers.
Interpret customer’s responses and build on them to close the deal.
Identify your customers’ needs and buying criteria, even when they don’t want to tell you.
Improve selling skills and create selling opportunities.
Master prospecting and sales preparation.
Module 1: Introduction to Sales Management
Good selling vs. great selling
Knowledge, Skills, and Attitude
Qualities of top salespeople
Module 2: Developing Your Selling Skills
- Effective communication
- Communication model
- Verbal and non-verbal signals
- Reading body language and facial expressions
- The four behavioral styles
- Identification of each style
- adapting to each style
- Persuasion and influence skills
- Questioning skills
- Rapport building
Module 3: Customer Centered Approach
- Customer centred Vs. product gentred
- Sales funnel: How does your customer buy?
- Customers’ buying motives
- Differentiating needs and expectations
- Ways to approach New customers
- Customer’s
- Responses
- Positive/Negative
Module 4: Sales Approach
- Pre-stage: Prospecting and preparation
- Objectives setting plan
- Sales pitch flow
- During stage
- Sales approaches types
- Sales methodologies
- The four steps of sales process
- Questioning techniques
- Open/Closed probe
- Forms of probing
- Open/Closed ended
- Closing stage
- Direct close
- Step-By-Step close
- Summery close
- Incentive close
- Post-sale analysis
Module 5: Introduction to Cross Selling and Up Selling
- What is the difference between cross selling and up selling
- Practical cross/up selling techniques
- Importance of cross selling and up selling
Module 6: When Is The Time To Up-sell/Cross Sell?
- During product offer?
- During questioning?
- During making the choice?
- During calculation of the cost?
- Upon the decision?
- During payment time?
Module 7: Practical Cross/Up Selling Techniques
- Identifying the types of cross/up selling style to use
- Listening for cross/up selling opportunities
- Creating desire and opportunities for cross selling
- Making the transition conversationally to the offer
- Powerful language to grab interest
- Presenting the best matched offers persuasively
- Upgrading products and services
- Matching benefits
- Gaining commitment and closing the sale
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