Privacy Policy
HNI recognizes the privacy concerns of visitors to its site on the Internet ( Specifically, HNI recognizes the importance of protecting the privacy of personally identifiable information collected about the visitors to the website. As a general policy, no personally identifiable information, such as your name, address, or email address, is automatically collected when you visit the website. HNI may collect certain non-personal information, which is used only to optimize the web pages for your computer (e.g., the identity of your Internet browser, the type of operating system you use, and the domain name of your Internet service provider). This non-personal information may also be used by HNI to determine the total number of visitors to its website. Personally identifiable information about visitors to the website is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted. In those instances when HNI does collect such information, this information is retained by HNI and is not sold or otherwise transferred to an outside company, unless otherwise stated at the time of collection.
Use Of Cookie
HNI does not use cookies to obtain any personal information about our users.
HNI will notify you when it is collecting personally identifiable information about you, as well as the use or uses HNI intend to make of such information.
Explanation Of Policy
By using this site, you agree to the Privacy Policy of HNI. If you do not agree to this Policy, please do not use this site. HNI reviews its Privacy Policy periodically and reserves the right, at its discretion, to modify or remove portions of this Policy at anytime. This page should be reviewed from time to time so that you are updated on any changes. If you want to communicate with us about our Policy, or about the use of or changes to personal information you may have submitted, please email us at
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