Andrew Mayo
Board Advisor
has many years of experience in developing people and organizations, both as a Leader of Learning in an international company and through twenty years of consultancy. He is the author of several books, including “Creating a Learning and Development Strategy”, “The Power of Learning” and “Understandi9ng HR Return on Investment”.
For the last 23 years he has been part time Professor of Human Capital Management at Middlesex University, UK . Not an academic by background, his previous experience was all in international companies and he was originally trained as a chemical engineer. He spent 15 years as a part time Programme Director for in company leadership programmes at London Business School, and has worked extensively in the Middle East, particularly Saudi Arabia.
More recently Andrew has held Chairperson positions in charities and educational Trusts. He is a Chartered Member of the Institute of Personnel and Development and also has an accounting qualification.
A passionate advocate of the power of learning, Andrew combines this with an equal interest in being able to show how it increases the effectiveness of organisations and furthers their mission and goals.