Agile Mindset
2 Days
Learning Objectives
Create alternative ideas or points of view.
Explore how to responds openly to changing conditions.
Remain calm when faced with challenging situations and under pressure.
Examine how to offer original ideas and innovative solutions.

2 Days
Learning Objectives
Create alternative ideas or points of view.
Explore how to responds openly to changing conditions.
Remain calm when faced with challenging situations and under pressure.
Examine how to offer original ideas and innovative solutions.
Module 1: The Agile Mindset and Agility Thinking Introduction
- Adaptive thinking
Module 2: Types of Thinking
- Left brain/right brain orientation
- Critical vs. Creative thinking
- The concept of convergency and divergency
- The difference between intelligence and creativity
- Convergency: intelligence
- 8 multiple intelligences (innate).
- Divergency: creativity.
Module 3: Creativity and Innovation Skills Assessment
Module 4: Creativity Techniques
- Brain storming
Module 5: Identifying Creativity Styles
- Assessment: what’s your thinking style?
- Adaptors & innovators & characteristics of each type
- Creativity dimensions (fluency, flexibility, elaboration, originality)
- Exercise on creativity dimensions
Module 6: Barriers of Creativity: Paradox of Structure
- How different styles perceive structure.
- Reflecting structure in organizations enabling ultimate creativity initiatives
- Creativity enablers and limiters:
- Aspects of creativity
- Other aspects affecting creativity
Module 7: Strategies For Individual Creative Thinking
- Mind mapping
- Outside of the box vs. There’s no box
- Paradigm shift: getting others’ point of view
- Free association: how to be more creative
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